Answer: One Must Be Baptized
For the Right Reason --
From what we learn in Acts 19:3-7,
one must be baptized for the right
reason. In this passage, there were some men who did not know about the
baptism Jesus commanded. They knew only of John's. They, therefore, had
to all be baptized in water by the apostle Paul, after he taught them
of it.
Though there are similarities
between John's baptism and the one the
Lord commanded, there are also differences. For example, the
baptism of Romans 6:3,4 is to be a burial into Christ's death. John's
baptism, therefore, could not have been for this purpose, since Jesus
was still living at the time. This is also why the thief on the cross
who was saved, did not have to be baptized with the baptism Jesus had
introduced in John 3:3-5.
The baptism that Jesus commanded
so that the sinner can become a saint,
a Christian, was not to go into effect until after the Lord had died at
Calvary and, thus, put to an end the Old Law and established the New,
which stipulates baptism for the remission of sins.
As we think about the seriousness
of doing things for the right
purpose, consider 1 Corinthians 11:18-34 about the Lord's Supper. Paul
shows that the one who would not take of the Lord's Supper in a proper
manner would be "guilty of the body and the blood of the Lord" (v. 27).
We have learned that baptism is a
"burial or an immersion in water";
but just because a person is dunked completely under water, doesn't
necessarily mean that that person has received Bible baptism. For
what about young boys
swimming in a pond and dunking one another?
Obviously, baptism must be
received for the right purpose: and that is
so that one may be baptized into Christ and have sins washed away by
the blood of Jesus.